Welcome to Meridian High School Athletics & Activity Registration


Paperwork Deadlines & Tryout Dates:

Get your paperwork in EARLY.  The Athleic Office can't guarantee that an athlete will be cleared in time to participate on the first day of tryouts if the paperwork is turned in AFTER the deadline. 


  • Paperwork deadline:
    • Fall Athletics Paperwork Deadline: July 19, 2024 (Competition Cheer, Golf)
    • Fall Athletics Paperwork Deadline: July 26, 2024 (Cross Country, Field Hockey, Volleyball, Football)
  • Tryouts:
    • Fall Athletics Tryouts: July 26, 2024 (Golf)
    • Fall Athletics Tryouts: July 29, 2024 (Competition Cheer)
    • Fall Athletics Tryouts: August 5, 2024 (Cross Country, Field Hockey, Volleyball, Football)


  • Winter Athletics Paperwork Deadline: November 1, 2024 (Basketball, Gymnastics, Swim & Dive, Indoor Track & Field, Wrestling)
  • Winter Athletics Tryouts: November 11, 2024 (Basketball, Gymnastics, Swim & Dive, Indoor Track & Field, Wrestling)


  • Spring Sports Paperwork Deadline : February 14, 2025 (Baseball, Softball, Soccer, Lacrosse, Tennis, Outdoor Track & Field)
  • Spring Sports Tryouts : February 24, 2025 (Baseball, Softball, Soccer, Lacrosse, Tennis, Outdoor Track & Field) 


Paperwork Requirements for Athletics:

In order to participate in pre-season activities and tryouts, all student-athletes must complete the following paperwork:
(1) FCCPS registration for the upcoming school year (for returning students via PowerSchool); (2) the online sports registration form, (3) a valid VHSL physical form (dated 5/1/23 or later), AND (4) the baseline concussion test (for contact sports only).
Your student-athlete may NOT participate in Athletics until ALL of the paperwork has been submitted and approved.  Once approved, you will receive an official clearance email from the Athletics Office.
1.  FCCPS Registration
All athletes must complete the registration process for Schools PRIOR to participating in tryouts.
Returning students may register via PowerSchool


You will need to create a new account if this is your student-athlete's first year participating in Meridian Athletics.

All returning student-athletes should register using an exisiting account.


Click the icon below to complete the online sports registration form:

3.  VHSL Physical Form:
  • VALID DATES & OFFICIAL VSHL PHYSICAL FORM: Physical exams must be dated May 1st or later -- to be valid for the upcoming school year.  Such physicals are valid from May 1st through June 30th of the following year.  Only the official VHSL physical form will be accepted.
  • YES BOXES ON PAGE 2 OF PHYSICAL FORM: For any boxes that are checked YES on page 2 of the VHSL physical form (medical history), please provide an explanation in the area provided on the form.  The failure to provide a required explanation will cause the physical to be rejected, and will delay the final clearance decision for your athlete.
  • NO PHOTOS ACCEPTED: The Athletics Department will not accept photographs of physicals.  Physicals must be in the correct format (scanned PDF) in order to be submitted through the online sports registration system.  Photographs will cause the physical to be rejected, and will delay the final clearance decision for your athlete.
Download the physical form by clicking HERE. Please note that this is the only form the school will accept.


If your physical file is too large to upload on this registration website, please email a scanned PDF (again, photographs will not be accepted) to AD Brian Parke bparke@fccps.org AND ATC Coach Vicki Galliher galliherv@fccps.org.  Thank you!


4.  BASELINE CONCUSSION TEST:  (Spanish Translation)

The baseline concussion test applies to the following contact sports ONLY: Fall Cheer & Competition Cheer, Field Hockey, Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Winter Cheer, Wrestling, Baseball, Basketball, Lacrosse, Soccer, and Softball.

The baseline concussion test is valid for the entire school year & all three sports seasons, unless your student-athlete has suffered a concussion.

Please read both sets of instructions carefully.  The "Concussion Vital Signs Test Directions" includes the link to the website as well as directions regarding username & password.

Pre-Test Instructions (Spanish Translation)

Concussion Vital Signs Test Directions (Spanish Translation)



Two options to pay athletic fees:
1.  Online using the MySchoolBucks platform (there is a service charge for using this software which is charged by the vendor), OR
2.  By using cash or check (no service fees).
For cash or checks -- please deliver directly to the Main Office at Meridian.  Do NOT give cash or check to our coaching staff.
  • Cash should be delivered in person.
  • Checks should be delivered in person AND should be made out to Meridian High School (with "Athletic Fee" AND name of athlete included on memo line).

Description of athletic fees:

  • $125 for a student-athlete's first sport of each school year.
  • $25 for each additional sport during the school year.
  • $300 Family Maximum for the school year.
Athletic fees are due after tryouts, before the first scrimmage, once the roster has been announced.
For financial assistance with athletic fees, please contact the Athletics Department for more information.
Make sure you register with NOTIFY ME, to get updates of all your scheduled games (i.e., weather cancellations & re-schedules).

If you have questions or need assistance with the registration process for Meridian Athletics, please contact:

Patrick Anderson - Interim Athletic Director 
Phone Number: 703-248-5539
Anne Feldman - Athletic Department Administrative Assistant
Phone Number: 703-248-5539
Lakisha Talbert -  Registrar/Counseling Administrative Assistant
Phone Number: 703-720-5706
Vicki Galliher - Sports Medicine Director/ Athletic Trainer
Phone Number: 703-248-5583